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primetime animated sketch show |
'Think Loony Tunes meets
Monty Python
to the Power of Ten!'
Non Stop Cartoon Sketch Show is every bit as crazy as it sounds.
The show is targeted at 20-30 somethings but should appeal to
teenagers through to adults of all ages.
A hectic paced array of quirky, surreal, psychedelic wild &
wonderful cartoon sketches. Non Stop Cartoon Sketch Show is luxuriously
animated in a diverse range of cartoon styles from 2D, Cut-Out
to Live Action mixed with 2D animation - This is one show that
just can't stop!

New Media Friendly
Due to the Non Stop Cartoon Sketch Show's fast-shorts structure
- It offers huge flexibility in terms of TV inserts as well as
fast spontaneousweb + mobile download-ability - stay tuned for
the official website launch!