> Edutainement Productions
King Bee Entertainment have become specialists in the area of ‘Edutainement.
But what is Edutainment? -
the sector in the entertainment industry that fuses and enhances the delicate disciplines of ‘Educational messages by making them engaging, enjoyable and well suited to it's target audience.
In a wide number of projects, King Bee have worked on projects such as The World of Wizz, 'Ivan
& Sam' , 'Wheelie
Wednesdays' , Go Green & many more to combine important educational messages such as the importance to recycle, brush your teeth, cope with Cancer in ways that are engaging & captivating but not preachy for Children and teenagers.
This is not always an easy task, however King Bee Entertainments' team of art directors, script writers & creatives are experts in creating stories and concepts that blend the right amount of humour, imagination & art with stories that need to get across key messages that are essential to communicate.
If you have a cartoon series or corporate animated project you’d like to discuss
feel free to give us a buzz
on + 44
845 601 6424
or email info@KingBeeEntertainment.com.