King Bee Entertainment has been working alongside talented series creator ‘Amanda Evan’s developing a fresh and wonderful Children’s Animated TV Series and Children’s Illustrated Book Series called ‘Elizabeth Avenue’. King Bee have been providing the full range of creative series development services, closely working with Amanda over a long period of time. The process has involved: refining the concept, story direction, character design, brand identity and series documentation to present the property in the best way for it’s intended 6-8 year old audience. But what is ‘Elizabeth Avenue’ about you may be wondering?
What is Elizabeth Avenue?
Elizabeth Avenue is one barking mad street in London! Meet Lucy the Labradoor’s pack of unpredicatable dogs and cats who share their lives together, from Alfie & Ozzie’s adventures exploring unfamilar territories, Ron & Reg’s never-ending search for Jimmy the clueless caterpillar. Trampas’s fear of large green wheelie bins & anyone else on the Avenue! Meanwhile Stanley, looks upon the pack with embarassment as he fancies himself as the true leader of the gang. Every morning they’re dropped off at no.15 to be picked up by their loveable yuppie dog walker Ditzy Daisy, who’s too busy gossiping on her mobile while sipping her Late to notice what they really get up too & the adventures they go on!
Where is Elizabeth Avenue?
Visit the world of Elizabeth Avenue, where beautiful Victorian houses line the street with their grande entrances. Woof your way through the bustling street of early morning cyclists, children going to school & the distinctive green wheelie bins boasting tasty left overs! Our pack of characters are full of pride for London with Lucy’s historical knowledge of the City - Through their adventures, the city of London will be brought to life!, only a street away you’ll find the old East End & Carrot’s famous Regents Canal.
Stay tuned for plenty more information about what we believe could be an enormous global hit..
If you are a series creator and are interested in a professional service to get your series ready to pitch to the TV networks – feel free to get in touch: 0845 601 6424 |